Health & FitnessNH News

The Veganuary Guide Infographic

Now that Veganuary 2018 has started, it is estimated over 150,000 people will be taking part. However, going straight to a plant-based diet can be a shock to the system, for it involves cutting out a large proportion of your usual staple foods that comes from animals or are by-product of animals. Fortunately, being vegan isn’t nearly as difficult as it used to be – supermarkets are widening their range, restaurants are becoming more accommodating and more recipes are available than ever. With this in mind, we’ve teamed up with Discount Supplements, one of the UK’s leading retailers in health and fitness supplements to provide you with some helpful tips and tricks on how to make the vegan transition much easier, alongside some interesting facts about Veganuary.

Think of Veganism as an Evolution

When becoming vegan, it’s extremely easy to get so caught up in the rules that you start to feel anxious and put off. Instead of obsessing, start to relax, explore new cuisines and become more adventurous with your food. Don’t think of veganism as the finish line, but as an evolving step towards conscious eating and eventually, your commitment to the lifestyle with overthrow all cravings.

Don’t Obsess Over Protein

Seen as though you’re missing out on staple, animal-based protein foods such as eggs, milk, chicken and fish, a frequent question faced by vegans is how do you get enough protein”? Despite common belief, there are plenty of ways to meet your daily intake of protein on a plant-based diet.

Adding pulses such as beans, lentils and seeds to your meals is a great way to fill your meals with protein, as they’re some of the best sources out there for vegans. Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, asparagus and kale are also packed full of protein. If you’re still struggling, then you can look into some of the best vegan supplements to make protein rich shakes.

Change How You Shop for Food

Many vegan staples like beans, grains and nuts are tremendously cheap with good sell-by-dates if you buy in bulk. Big packets of food are usually cheaper than individual ones, but be sure to check the unit price on the labels to determine the cost per liter, pound, etc; this will ensure you’re always getting the best value for money. Visiting supermarkets or farmers markets is also a great way to keep prices down on your purchases.


Don’t Deprive Yourself

When you first remove animal products from your good, you’ll find the taste to be rather different in terms of salt and fat. Just because animal-based products have been removed, it doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of flavor. Try adding rich, complex flavors to your food through avocados, pine nuts, walnuts, sun dried tomatoes, basil, pink sea salt or olives to keep your food just as interesting and flavorsome.


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