
Choosing the Best Products for Your Beauty Regimen.

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Millions of people invest money in taking care of their skin. For some, it’s a matter of turning back the hand of time and for others, special care is needed to control skin conditions.

No matter your skin issue, there’s sure to be more than one beauty product claiming to be the solution. The beauty industry is now a global powerhouse with products coming to market from all over the world. You’re no longer limited to the products at your local drug stores and department stores.

But the growing selection of products has had a negative side effect. It’s part of the larger decision fatigue problem. With so many products on the market, the task of choosing the right ones is daunting. So daunting some people don’t even bother trying.

Before you resign yourself to simple face washes with a bar of soap (which isn’t good for delicate facial skin) use these tips to make choosing the best beauty products easier.

Look for Third Party Testing

Many beauty products are a small investment rather than a simple purchase. Companies pour millions of dollars into research and development in hopes of creating beauty products that deliver results. Those results can justify the higher price tag in the minds of most consumers.

One of the best ways to determine the efficacy of beauty products is through third party testing. A beauty product testing company may use a variety of methods. The tests and consumer studies can provide proof of a product’s efficacy.

You’ll typically find the results of third party product testing on the sides of product packaging and online at the company’s website. The results should also contain fine print stating how the data was sourced.

Know Your Skin Type

There’s no getting around your skin type. The best beauty regimens are tailored to your unique skin needs, which is largely dependent on your skin type.

  • Oily – Skin that produces excess oil tends to be shiny and acne may be more frequent.
  • Dry – Is your skin flaky and tight feeling? Those are indications of dry skin.
  • Combination – When skin is dry in some areas and oily in others it’s considered combination skin. Often people are oily in their T zone (forehead, around nose and chin) and dry around the cheeks.
  • Normal – Even though there’s a “normal” category few people are lucky enough to be in it. With the right products in your skincare regimen you can get much closer to having a normal skin type.

Choosing a clay mask is the perfect example of why knowing your skin type is important. Clay masks are formulated for specific skin types. The right clay mask will help balance skin and improve its health. The wrong clay mask can dry out skin or cause irritation.

Consider the Season/Weather

Our skin is significantly impacted by the weather. This makes sense when you consider that skin is supposed to be a barrier shielding our insides from the harsh environment.

Extended periods of weather can cause skin to go from oily to dry and back again from season to season. During winter when the air is drier skin also gets dehydrated. When summer rolls around and the humidity rises so does oil production in skin.

Read Customer and Professional Reviews

Today we have the ability to find out what others think about a beauty product before investing in it ourselves.

Another viable source of information is industry professional and influencer reviews. Both of these groups will often test out beauty products and devices to see how they perform. It’s a chance to see real world application and results. They’ll also compare products to see which ones other the most value.

Keep in mind that reviews are personal accounts. If the reviewer doesn’t have the same skin type, isn’t relatively the same age and lives in a totally different environment you may have a completely different experience. User error can also come into play.


If you put a little bit of effort into your search you’re sure to find worthwhile products for your daily beauty regimen. Focus on the points above and the best products will start to stand out.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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