
3 Ways to Get More Facebook Fans.

When you start trying to expand your reach on social media sites, like Facebook, you’ll notice how difficult it is to get new fans to like your page. Obviously, you want to reach as many people possible with your brand message, so initially Facebook can be very disheartening as you attempt to build your fanbase.

According to Social Media Daily, “Despite careful strategic planning, target group analysis, and an appealing social media presence, increasing your number of followers is often tedious – too expensive, laborious, and time-consuming for more businesses.”

So how do you get a respectable number of followers on your Facebook page? We’ll share our favorite tips on this very topic with you below, so stick around to find out more.

  1. Invite Your Friends to like Your Facebook Page

This may seem the obvious step, but you’d be surprised how many people fail to invite their friends to like their business Facebook page. It’s such a modest request, yet people ignore this simple and effective opportunity for expansion.

Why is that? Some people might feel like they would be spamming their friends by asking them to like their Facebook page. Others have no idea the option even exists because they aren’t paying attention. Still others ignore inviting their friends to like their page because they are insecure and don’t think anyone will like it.

Whatever your reasoning, be aware that you’re passing up a huge opportunity to get more followers on your page. Because once your friends like the page, their friends are going to take notice and potentially like it themselves. Other members of the community are going to see it as well and potentially like it, and before long you’ll have amassed a huge audience eager to see what you have to offer.

  1. Create Shareable Images and Post Them to Your Facebook Page

It’s very easy to expand your reach and get more Facebook fans when you share images on your page. Why is this effective? It’s effective because everybody loves to watch and share funny, sad, interesting, or poignant images they see on Facebook. So you’ll end up getting plenty of new likes once your shareable images begin to go viral.

As an example, let’s say you post a funny meme on your Facebook page. It could easily get dozens of additional shares from your current fan base, which will ultimately lead to thousands of potential people seeing your image. Once they see your image, they may even check out your Facebook page, like the page, and ultimately end up becoming your fan.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be images either. If you can find interesting viral videos to post, they’ll also attract more people to your page in the same manner. So figure out ways to post viral videos and images on your page and watch the likes come pouring in as your Facebook fans grow in numbers day after day.

  1. Buy Facebook Ads

Whether you want to believe it or not, Facebook ads are very effective at advertising your Facebook fan page. These ads can quickly reach your target audience and message with the appropriate people interested in what you have to say or sell, and grow your fan base by a wide margin.

Out of everything we’ve shared today, paying for Facebook advertisements is definitely the most effective way to grow your fan base overall. If you take the time to effectively tweak your ads, you’ll have no problem expanding your reach while finding more fans at a relatively low price. So try it and watch your results soar.


Please use these three ways to get more Facebook fans. They are either free or inexpensive and will help you seriously expand your fan base on Facebook.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

32 thoughts on “3 Ways to Get More Facebook Fans.

  • These.Are very helpful as i am just starting to think about face facebook and building a fan base.facebook

  • thanks for the info!

  • I think that this is cool.

  • Good info that I did not know!

  • I may use this to get more fans.

  • This is great advice.

  • I don’t use Facebook, but my son could use the calculator.

  • Although I’ve never clicked on ads, some creative ones do get my attention.


  • This is exactly what my grandson needs for school this year, but it’s just not in the budget. Have to try to WIN it! Thanks, fingers crossed.

  • cool calculator

  • I have thought about buying facebook ads, not sure if I would see results though.

  • I rarely click on the ads.

  • Ads have their place

  • I use Facebook to stay in touch with family, friends, authors, and tech companies. I use Twitter to converse and socialize with folks!

  • Those are some good tips. (Although I only use my FB page to stay in touch with friends that I already have. Not looking to get more folks on my followers list)

  • Just recently I’ve started sharing links on my Facebook page. Perhaps I’ll get more followers, not that it matters that much to me 🙂

  • Ads are a great idea

  • Great idea on facebook ads to grow your page

  • don’t like ads to much,

  • I personally don’t click on ads but I know lots of people who do.

  • FB ads are a great way to reach people.

  • thanks for the info. I have been thinking about starting a blog and wasn;t sure about this

  • This is great info. We just started a new blog and there is so much to learn. Thanks for the tips.

  • Good ideas for bloggers. I am indifferent about FB fans since I don’t have a blog.

  • Seems to be a concrete methodology to improving one’s number of facebook fans.

  • Thanks for this information, never thought about buying facebook ads.

  • This is very good advice, My husband has been building his fanbase and it is certainly slow going. I have no issues with buying ads, I feel it is like tv ads.

  • I can where Facebook ads may be needed but I also feel that they stifle small businesses and wahm’s 😕

  • These all seem like fantastic ways to up your facebook audience!

  • I absolutely abhor the idea of buying facebook ads while it may be the quickest it feels the sleaziest.


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